Product Information


While we make every effort to keep most listed merchandise in stock, occasionally we are sold out of a certain item. If we are out of stock on an item you have ordered, we will send you an e-mail update as quickly as possible, usually within 48 hours. It will then be your choice to proceed and keep the order or to cancel the order.


In order to reduce the impact on our planet, we prefer to e-mail you product line catalogs in PDF format. If you would still prefer to receive a product catalog from a specific product line in print, we will do our best to facilitate you.


Warranty is common for most appliances and electronics. If your product is one of the above, it will most likely be covered by its respective manufacturer's warranty. If a product has a warranty, it will be included with the item by the manufacturer. If you have a specific question about a product’s warranty, please contact Customer Service before you purchase the product.